русский оригинал "Пояснительной
The drastic revision of the attitude to a role of the geodynamic
factor (i.e. recent deformations of earth surface) during estimation
of emergency risk occurs by the end of the 20th century.
The plane (platform) zones of Earth were considered conventionally
as the "geodynamically static" ones in contrast to mountain
regions (seismic) where the earthquakes occurred. The plane platforms
were defined as the zones characterized by very low earth surface
deformation rates, i.e. 1-2 mm/year.
Therefore, the factor of recent geodynamical activity of geological
medium was never used in any country (including the USA) by the
experts for analysis of emergencies at the civil and industrial
The situation drastically changes in early 70s. The Ministry
of Oil Industry (MINNEFTEPROM) of the USSR had started the realization
of very expensive long-term program on study of recent earth movements
in order to estimate the perspectives of oil and gas bearing regions.
The territories of large oil and gas bearing basins within the
oil and gas areas were selected for this study.
The unique information concerning the recent geodynamical state
of subsoil was obtained for the first time in the world thanks
to comparative complex analysis of the huge data massif.
In 90s this information allowed to discover by Russian scientists
the unexpected phenomena of superintensive deformations (SD-factor)
of earth surface on platform low seismic territories.
Having in the mind that the plane territories serve as a main
habitat of people, these anomalous deformations (up to 50-70 mm/year)
provide the real dangerous effect on people, constructions and
environment. Therefore, these deformations can be considered as
a new class of ecological, economical and insurance risks.
The new factor of geodynamic risk - the SD factor demonstrates
its importance in various branches of industry and economic-social
aspects. These are oil and gas complex, building industry, insurance.
Utilization of this factor allows to slow down the damage of objects
and improve the people safety in case of emergencies.
It is well known that the main reserves of raw materials and
fossils adjoin to the zones of platform faults. However, particularly
here in these zones the recent anomalous deformations of earth
surface (SD -factors) were detected. These factors show negative
influence on safety of the branch infrastructures.
In order to minimize the dangerous effect of anomalous deformations
during the assimilation of deposits it seems to be necessary to
take into account the SD -factor at the stage of project design
of boreholes and pipelines.
During the service of existing infrastructures within these zones,
the preventive measures are to be provided for prevention of dangerous
accidents (breakouts of pipeline systems and borehole accidents
with their further removal from service).
The unfavorable combination of natural and technogenic geodynamical
factors is especially strong in large cities and Megalopolises.
Therefore, the serious accidents and emergencies occurred in recent
years (sudden collapses of buildings, various complications during
erection and service of the metropolitan, damage of underground
communications, etc.) sometimes depend upon the geodynamical activation
of faults (SD-processes) caused by the technogenic action a provoking
The use of the SD-risk factor in an actuarial allows the insurer
non only to calculate the probability of an accident, but to minimize
the damage (through preventive measures) in the case of insured
accident: fire, loss of technical-engineering stability, etc.
All these relate to various objects of social infrastructure,
located in zones of SD-processes:
o apartment buildings and industrial buildings - in the process
of erection and service;
o town engineering communications - sewage, electrical nets,
gas pipelines etc.;
o transport lines -railroads , gas and oil pipelines, tunnels
o underground structures - metro, merchant centers, garages and
The accounting of SD-risk factor allows to detect the real cause
of emergency danger to the object because this reason may be not
only of the technogenic origin but caused by natural effects.
The Russian Federation Government understands the importance
of estimation of the new geodynamical factor for mining industry.
The Protocol No 7 (of May 14, 1997) of the special session of
capital construction and ecology section of the oil Industry Expert
Council of RF MINTOPENERGO states the necessity of normative-legal
documentation revising in consideration of the SD-factor. While
the Protocol of "subsoil preservation" section of Scientific
and Technical Council of RF GOSGORTEHNADZOR (of November 21,1997г.)
says: "We recognize the necessity of recent abnormal platform
faults geodynamics accounting for provision safety at mining objects,
including deep boreholes, underground gas-holders, underground
winzes ".
To provide the solid foundation for the Governmental normative
base it is necessary to mark the geodynamical factor specifics
in the Federal legislation. The draft project of Federal law aimed
doing it.
The concept of the law provides the introduction of amendments
into 19 Federal Laws regulating the spheres where the effect of
geodynamical factors takes place.
The Draft Law "About introduction of amendments and additions
into Federal Laws of Russian Federation caused by the necessity
of geodynamical expertise conduction the "Yabloko" fraction
of Duma introduces.
1. Bederov А.А., Kuzmin J.O. Anomalous geodynamics of subsoil
- a new factor of ecological and insurance risk today. // Insurance
Business, 1997, No 3, pages 28-33.
2. Kuzmin J.O, Superintensive deformations of earth's surface
of platform faults today..// Scientific-technical collection "Geological
exploration and utilization of subsoil", Release No 4, Geoinfommatk",
М.: 1996,, pages 43-53.
3. Kasyanova N.А., Kuzmin J.O. Anomalous geodynamics of subsoil
and its influence on oil and gas complexes.// Foreword by academician
A.L.Yanshin. - Geoinfommatk, М. 1996, 56 p.
4. Kuzmin J.O, Recent geodynamics of fault zones of sedimentary
basins and earthquake's preparation processes.// Forecast of earthquakes,
No 1 М.: Dushanbeh: Дониш, 1989, pages 52-60.
5. Vlasenko Е.P,, Kuzmin J.O, Fedoseyev J.Е. Estimation of geodynamical
processes influence on Moscow metro tunnels in a zone of earthmoving.//
Transactions of the International Forum on problems of science,
technology and education Release 1, М, 1997, pages 71-77.
6. Kuzmin J.O. The mechanism of anomalous deformation processes
during the period of preparation and realization of Ashgabad earthquake
of 1948.// Calendar of RSA OGGGGN No 2, 1998, pages 135-152.
7. Kuzmin J.O, Nikonov А.I., Geodynamic nature of boreholes and
pipeline systems. // In the book: Perspectives of ecological insurance
in gas industry. М.,Gasprom., 1998, pages 315-328.
8. Chiirikov V.A., Kuzmin J.O Relation between deformation and
seismicity in the active fault zone of Kamchatka, Russia.// Geophysical
Journal International, (1998), v.133, pages 607-614.
9. Kuzmin J.O. Recent superintensive deformations of platform
fault zones.//Annales Geopysicae, (1998) Vol. 16, p.47.
10. Kuzmin J.O. Recent geodynamics and estimation of geodynamical
risk in subsoil utilization //М.: Economic News Agency, 1999,
220 p.
11. Kuzmin J.O. Estimation of geodynamic risk of oil and gas
complex.// Basis of advanced technologies in oil and gas industry,
М.: Science, 2000, pages. 334-344.
12. Kuzmin J.O Geodynamic state of subsoil today.// Analytical-Information
bulletin of Mining, No 6, М.: Moscow geological mining University,
2000, pages 55-65.
13.Gritskov V.O., Kisilevsky U.V., Kuzmin J.O. The state of Normative-juridical
base of mining-ecological monitoring// Analytical-Information
bulletin of Mining, No 6, М.: Moscow geological mining University,
2000, pages 101-104.
1- Federal Law of Russian Federation "Concerning the sharing
of production" 1998
2. Federal Law " Concerning the sharing of production"
3. Federal Law "About subsoil" 1995
4. Federal Law of Russian Federation " About subsoil "
5. Federal Law "About ecological expertise" 1995
6. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About production safety
of dangerous industrial objects"1997
7. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About protection of
population and territories from extraordinary situations of natural
and technogenic nature" 1995
8. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About chemical weapons
9. "Russian Federation Water Code" 1995.
10. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About safety of waterworks
" 1997
11. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About architectural
activity in Russian Federation "
12. Russian Federation Federal Law "About the lake Baikal
preservation " 1999.
13. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About especially
secured natural territories "1995
14. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About the Land State
Cadastre" 1999
15. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About industrial
and consumption waste " 1999
16. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About railway transport"
17. Russian Federation Federal Law "About gas supply in
18. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About exclusive economic
zone in Russian Federation" 1998
19. Federal Law of Russian Federation "About the capital
investments activity in Russian Federation "1998
The draft Law was prepared by the collective of authors:
1) Bederov А.А - the corresponding member of the International
Academy of Informatics .
2) Krasnov M.P. - Master of Science (economics), President of
the "Verysell" Group.
3) Kuzmin U.O. - Dr. of Science (physics and mathematics), head
of Recent geodynamics laboratory of the RSA Integrated Institute
of Globe Physics, professor of Moscow Mining State University.
4) Nikonov A.I, - senior research assistant of the RSA Oil and
Gas Institute Problems, chief of the ecological-geodynamic risks
русский оригинал "Пояснительной